- The Arkansas State Fair will allow livestock exhibitors, vendors, service companies, and carnival members to utilize golf carts, 3-wheelers, 4-wheelers, and 6-wheelers during the Arkansas State Fair.
- In order to be eligible for this privilege, the driver must abide by the following rules:
- Vehicle must be registered with ALSA Security upon arrival at Fairgrounds.
- The vehicle must be operated by a person 16 years of age or over, who has a valid driver’s license.
- The driver must provide a liability insurance certificate for $100,000/$300,000 liability limits that covers the vehicle and the authorized operator(s).
- An Arkansas State Fair permit must be purchased from ALSA Security (at a charge of $100) for each vehicle prior to being operated on the Fairgrounds.
- Permit must be displayed in a visible location on the vehicle at all times.
- No more than two people per vehicle will be allowed to ride. No one will be allowed to stand on back or ride on vehicle in any manner other than within the proper seat.
- Vehicles may only be operated and parked only in permitted areas designated on map, provided at check-in.
- No vehicle will be allowed in pedestrian areas during open hours of the Fair.
- Speed limit for golf carts, 3-wheelers, 4-wheelers, and 6-wheelers is five miles per hour. Any violation of these rules may result in the vehicle being impounded until Fair closes on the last Sunday night of the Fair.
- ALSA Security and Management have full Jurisdiction enforcement authority over the proper operation and parking location of these vehicles.
- The vehicle and operating procedure are the sole responsibility of the person who signs the permit.